
Some Probability Distribution

Expectation and Variance

  • expectation is the mean value of a sequence of values.      
    • E(x) = sum(1...n) / n
  • variance is the average of squared difference from mean. 
    • Var(x) = E(x - E(x))^2
  • standard deviation is the square root of variance.              
    • Sigma = sqrt(Var(x))
  • using standard deviation, we know what is normal(standard), what is extra large or small.

Uniform Distribution

  •  a and b are solvable given E(x) and V(x)

Normal (Gaussian) Distribution

 Binomial Distribution (Bernoulli Trials)

  • a sequence of independent yes/no experiment, called Bernoulli experiment
  • when n = 1, binomial distribution is Bernoulli distribution

  • e.g. 
    • toss a coin 100 times, what is the prob. the head occurs 30 times? (n = 100, k = 30, p = 1/2)

Poisson Distribution

Geometric Distribution

  • modelling the trials up to and including the first success (k = 1, 2, 3, ...)
  • e.g.
    • toss a fair coin until the first heads, E(x) = 1/p = 2, which means on average tossing 2 times we will get heads.

  • modelling the number of failures until the first success (k = 0, 1, 2, 3, ...)
  • e.g.
    • assume the success prob. of something is p, the mean number of success is: (1-p)/p.


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