
Graph - Network Flow Problems

Network Flow 

  • in a finite directed graph (also called a network), each edge has a capacity and each edge receives a flow. Flow satisfies 2 constraints:
    • the amount of flow cannot exceed the capacity of the edge.
    • the amount of flow into a node equals the amount of flow out of it except source, which has only outgoing flow, or sink which has only incoming flow.
  • flow network can be used to model
    • traffic in a road system
    • circulation with demands
    • fluid in pipes
    • currents in an electrical circuit
    • etc
  • Max-Flow Problem: following network (from CLRS) has a maximum possible flow from source-0 to sink-5 is 23. how to find the max possible flow in a network?
  • Bipartite Matching Problem
    • Bipartite graph: each node has no edge for the same layer
  • Min-cost Cut Problem
    • Remove some edges from graph G such that there is no path from s to t after removing the edges (image destroy bridges with minimum cost)

Finding Max-Flow (Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm)

Ford-Fulkerson algorithm:

Start with 0 flow.
While there exists an augmenting path:
    - find an augmenting path
    - compute bottleneck capacity
    - increase flow on that path by bottleneck capacity
* this FF algorithm description is very much simplified. To implement the algorithm, one has to understand concepts like: residual graph, forward edge, backward edge.


  • how to find an augmenting path?
  • if FF terminates, does it always compute a max-flow?
  • Does FF always terminate? If so, after how many augmentations?

Min-cost Cut

This is a variant of max-flow problem. Basically, the problem says how to remove some edges with min-cost such that no path from s to t. For the network from CLRS book, the min-cost cut as follows:

  • solution
    • max-flow min-cut theorem says: (max flow) = (min-cut). 
      • from above example, we know the max flow is 23, the min-cut is 12 + 7 + 4 = 23
      • CLRS book has proof about this theorem
      • sometimes min-cost cut also calls minimum s-t cut (s-t: source-terminal/sink)
      • similar to: (min vertex cover) = (max independent set), for a bipartite graph (Konig Theorem)
    • one can use FF algorithm to find max-flow, but how to find min-cost cut?
    • one answer is to use residual graph
      • run FF algorithm and consider the final residual graph
      • collect all reachable vertices from source (obviously, this set does not include t)
      • min-cost cut edges are those edges  from reachable vertices to unreachable vertices
  • min-cost cut problem is different with min-cut problem mentioned in Randomized Algorithm
    • randomized min-cut problem is about undirected graph, this is about directed graph
    • randomized min-cut problem is cutting minimum number of edges of G to disconnect the graph. min-cost cut is about disconnecting s-t, and is about min-cost of edges not about edge numbers.
  • min-cut problem is much harder than min-cost cut problem discussed here!

[TODO] Min-cost Max-flow 

finding a cheapest possible way of sending a mount of flow through a network.

Bipartite Matching


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