Spanning Tree
a spanning tree of an
undirected graph is a connected subgraph with no cycles that includes all the vertices
Minimum Spanning Tree
undirected edge-weighted graph, MST is a spanning tree with minimum weight.
Two Strategies For Finding MST
- grow the MST from a single vertex, then find a new edge to attach to a single growing tree (Prim's Algorithm)
- maintain a minimum spanning forest, then merge the forest (Kruskal's Algorithm)
- both are greedy algorithm. (pickup a min-cost edge from a single vertex or from the whole graph)
Prim's Algorithm (O(elge) = O(elgn))
- pickup an arbitrary vertex s
- make s as visited
- for all edges (s, u), put (s, u) into min-heap H based on edge cost
- while H is not empty
- e(u, v) = extractMin(H) // do it e times with O(lge) each time
- mark v as visited // u already is marked at this time
- for all edges (v, w) // do it e times totally
- if w is unvisited, put (v, w) into H
Kruskal's Algorithm (O(elgn))
- sort all the edges based on their weight. (O(elge) = O(elgn))
- make n different sets. (make_set() * n = O(1 * n))
- for each edges(u, v) in the sorted order
- if (find(u) != find(v)) // without anything clever, it will take O(n)
- union(find(u), find(v)) // edge(u, v) in the spanning tree. O(1) if found
- without optimization, running time of Kruskal is: O(elgn) + O(n) + e * O(n)
- we need to take down the running time of union-find.
- as a rule of thumb, we should reduce the height of the tree when doing union.
- so if we can track the height of a subset, it will be helpful since we can connect the smaller tree to the higher one. it is called "weighted union".
- with this trick in step 4, find operation could be done in O(lgn). Proof could be done by induction.
- the cool stuff but hard to proof: if we change a node's parent direct to the root of the set when we do union-find operation each time, the amortized running time could be reduced significantly, but not in constant time. this is called "path compression".
- path compression does not cost anything, but will give you more benefit in the long run.
- with the trick like "weighted union" and "path compression", the dominant running time of Kruskal's algorithm is to sort edges, which is O(elgn).
- Union-Find is easy to implement with data structures like array and others.
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